If it happens to come up when or if I visit there and I remember the question; Sure I'll ask.
when you were a devout jw.
did you feel that you had an actual "relationship" with jehovah/god just from praying to him and reading the wt or bible?.
or that this was actually even possible deep down?.
If it happens to come up when or if I visit there and I remember the question; Sure I'll ask.
when you were a devout jw.
did you feel that you had an actual "relationship" with jehovah/god just from praying to him and reading the wt or bible?.
or that this was actually even possible deep down?.
Yes, I believe I have a very good relationship with Jehovah GOD. The more I have sincerly searched for him the more he has been directing my life.
First leading me to find the truth about his so called earthly organization and almost simutaneously leading me to the truth about his beloved son my Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
I have learned that following Christ is the way to Jehovah and helps fulfill Proverbs 27:11 " Be wise, my son and make my heart rejoice, that I may reply to him that taunts (reproaches) me.
It's like Jehovah is saying. I see the love you have for me, but if you want to serve me fully and continue following me, this is the way you need to go and I too, will be there with you also.
In cultivating a relationship with Jesus Christ I have recently learned that it is not us that brings reproach upon Jehovah's name. Another thing that we were made to feel completely guilty about.
My faith in Jehovah and his promises is still alive.
to my congregation:.
dear brethern & sistern, i wish to inform you of a new method which i have devised to provide me with all my material needs for the future.my previous method was ok, pretty lucrative in fact, but this one hits the jackpot!what i propose is this: rather than you giving me monetary gifts when you are able, i want you to pledge, in writing, exactly how much you are willing to give me each month.
that way, your christian conscience will compel you to cough up, regardless of your own financial needs for that month!now the really good bit - calculate how much money your basic household needs are for a month, and multiply that amount by three.
Thanks for summarizing and breaking down the last letter in layman's terms for us.
i just saw my first watchtower magazine in about 15 years...it was tucked under my doormat.
all i can say is wow!
i was shocked at how small and flimsy it was.
@ ten-The print font was large and the articles looked to be written for a child's comprehension level.
It is. It is written in the simplest form so those interested (new, old, or active) won't have to look up words by going to the internet for definitions or even worse explanations of the material. They wouldn't want to get them thinking for themselves now would they?
did we all notice the way in which this weeks wt study (how to maintain a positive viewpoint) was all about keeping the flock positive even if they feel they are not doing enough in 'service'?.
the irony is that the very reason they feel stressed or worthless is because of the pressures the org puts on them to perform!!!.
typo correction- should of read: Now it's all about trying to control every aspect of their lives and condemn what's left over of their mental exsitence to make them feel worthless in their service to GOD all the time.
did we all notice the way in which this weeks wt study (how to maintain a positive viewpoint) was all about keeping the flock positive even if they feel they are not doing enough in 'service'?.
the irony is that the very reason they feel stressed or worthless is because of the pressures the org puts on them to perform!!!.
XKhanx- I agree the articles from the 90's seemed to have a warmer refreshing, compassionate, encouraging tone of love, faith and hope. Those articles drew people to the organization.
Now it's all about trying to control every aspect of their lives and condemn what's left over to make them people worthless all the time. No matter what.
yup, the apostate is happy.
i shouldn't be, right, because my life is empty without "jehovah" and the organisation.. but i just got a job at one of the best theme parks in the world, which is so what i want to do, and it's the first permanent job i've had since i lost my government job in 2012!.
the job pays minimum wage but i don't care because working in tourism and entertainment is what i want to do!
I'm so excited for you. Enjoy!
july 25 2013. couple died in murder-suicide, police say.
suffolk police say the couple found dead in their nansemond river drive home wednesday were victims of a murder-suicide.. they have been identified as lucy celenia perry, 67, and her husband dennis joseph perry, 64.. autopsies showed dennis perry shot his wife before turning the gun on himself, city spokeswoman diana klink said in a press release.
Perhaps he wanted to end her suffering.
Perhaps he didn't want to put her in more pain by finding out he had taken his own life or vice versa.
He might of even discussed with her that the Elder's had made it clear that their was no hope left for him to be accepted by Jehovah, but knew she had a greater chance.
Who knows, yet The bloodguilt the society has acquired is unimaginable.
july 25 2013. couple died in murder-suicide, police say.
suffolk police say the couple found dead in their nansemond river drive home wednesday were victims of a murder-suicide.. they have been identified as lucy celenia perry, 67, and her husband dennis joseph perry, 64.. autopsies showed dennis perry shot his wife before turning the gun on himself, city spokeswoman diana klink said in a press release.
Desperate people do desperate things.
Hurt people, hurt people.
No excuse, but everyone has their breaking point. I can relate to the Elders making a person feel like they are not good enough and the progress they are making is below subpar even though they are giving the best 100% their aged/ill or both; bodies will allow.
Not justifying his actions. Just saying the lack of mercy and compassion shown and making someone feel like they aren't even good enough to serve GOD can be overwhelming.
A person is supposed to be able to go to GOD when there is nowhere or any one they can go to. The WTBT$ and it's elders take away the very joy and hope that Christ left for mankind to have.
@winagainstthem- thanks for explaining that
A sad day unqualified imperfect man decided to judge another person's life. Even worse they refuse to error on the side of Love for their neighbor with the compassion Christ spoke of. In my opinion.
im always promising to quit jwn but it is like a drug; once you are exposed to ttatt you just cant turn of yuor brain.
i just cant find any comfort in the empty promises that i hear from the platform anymore.... .
what i have noticed after waking up to ttatt is how the jws are a group of 8 million daydreamers!.
Out of touch with reality.